If You Can’t Decide which massage is right for you, We Are Here For You.
We Can Blend Different Approaches And Help You Get A Massage That’s Tailored To Your Needs.
Below is an overview of what you can expect from various types of massages that we are offering here at NeedMassage.

Remedial Massage
Remedial massage is a highly-effective way to relieve pain and tension throughout the body.
Well suited to those who have particular muscle tension or chronic pain. Remedial Massage is always specific to YOU, and for everyone.
Relaxation Massage
A gentle full body massage giving you the time to recover from the pressures of daily life.
This head-to-toe massage will relax not just your aching body, but will also unravel your tired mind in unison.

Deep Tissue Massage
An overall massage to the deeper layers of soft tissue.”Painful” isn’t always the case, it is a therapeutic experience whilst still achieving release of tension areas.
We use firm pressure and slow strokes to reach deeper layers of muscle and fascia, it help you leave that stress-induced tension outside the bedroom door.
Aromatherapy Massage
Aromatherapy is an essential restorative massage focus on head, neck and shoulder massage with essential oils, they are 100% pure and natural, highly aromatic and healing.
Aromatherapy use to improve your physical(such as headaches, digestive issues, insomnia, muscular pain) and mental well-being (depression, anxiety, stress and grief)